(RADIATOR) CLI auth using LDAP

deen deen at slt.lk
Sat Sep 13 20:04:27 CDT 2003

Hi List,

What I am trying to do is, authenticate a user CLI appearing in the RADIUS Auth records, against his telephone number residing in LDAP, rather than username/password. I have seen a sample in the ldap.cfg in the goodies directory and was checking. Following is what I have in my cfg file. 

This does not work, and the line drops at authentication. I am using a Cisco AS 5300. Please tell me what I am missing. I have tested the LDAP
with normal username/password and it works. 




        <AuthBy LDAP2>

                Host            localhost


                Port            389


            Version 3


                AuthDN          cn=Manager,dc=slt,dc=lk

                AuthPassword    xxx


                # The base DN at which to start the search

                BaseDN          dc=slt,dc=lk

#UsernameAttr    uid

#PasswordAttr    userPassword


#Framed-Protocol = PPP,\

#Framed-IP-Netmask =,\

#Framed-Routing = None,\

#Framed-MTU = 1500,\

#Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

## Old Stuff ##

                # This will check Calling-Station_id against

                # LDAP attribute mobile

                Identifier Check-LDAP-telephoneNumber

              #  Identifier telephoneNumber

              # Calling-Station-Id is used to search

              # instead of UsernameAttr and PasswordAttr

                SearchFilter (telephoneNumber=%{Calling-Station-Id})


AddToReply Framed-Protocol =  PPP,\

Service-Type = Framed-User

## Old Stuff ##



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