(RADIATOR) formatted TIME_STAMP in AcctSQLStatement

Robert Blayzor noc at inoc.net
Thu Sep 11 23:56:06 CDT 2003

> > So lets say I'm using MSSQL...
> >
> >         DateFormat      %m/%d/%Y %X
> >         AcctSQLStatement        EXEC sp_acctinsert '%{Acct-S
> > ession-Id}','%{Acct-Status-Type}','%{User-Name}','%{TimeStamp}'
> >
> >
> > Should insert the TimeStamp as '9/11/2003 21:21:21' ???
> The only time the DateFormat is used in AuthBy SQL is to 
> format AcctColumnDefs 
> with integer-date types.
> Timestamp can be got in a number of formats usign special 
> characters like:
> %b, %o etc.
> I wonder if a new special character that means 'Timestamp in 
> standard SQL date 
> format' might be useful?

Well that being said.  How am I able to easily pass in a "TimeStamp"
field in the format I need so that my specific "AcctSQLStatement" can
insert it however I need it. (see above).  Since stored procedurs use
argument lists instead of direct insert column/value pairs.

Given above, I need to get TimeStamp into the format above to pass it in
the argument list.

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at inoc.net

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