(RADIATOR) formatted TIME_STAMP in AcctSQLStatement

Robert Blayzor noc at inoc.net
Thu Sep 11 07:09:14 CDT 2003

On 9/11/03 7:23 PM, "tracker" <jaws at skyinet.net> wrote:

> Is it possible to use a formatted TIME_STAMP in AcctSQLStatement, like
> formatted-date,'%e %m %Y %H:%M:%S'

Easier way may be to have your SQL server insert the time for you.  That is,
if your SQL server and your RADIUS server's times are sync'd.  (and current
date/time is what you want)  You can do this several ways depending on your
backend, ie:

MSSQL - getdate()

Or PgSQL - timestamp 'now'


INSERT INTO tbl_radacct (recdate) values (timestamp 'now')

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at inoc.net
PGP: http://www.inoc.net/~dev/
Key fingerprint = A445 7D1E 3D4F A4EF 6875  21BB 1BAA 10FE 5748 CFE9

I'm not sure.  Try calling the Internet's head office -- it's in the book.

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