(RADIATOR) authby radius

tracker jaws at skyinet.net
Thu Sep 11 13:42:25 CDT 2003

Using this method, how do you enforce that only Accounting Stop records 
will be stored locally?

Robert Blayzor wrote:

>On 9/10/03 10:49 PM, "tracker" <jaws at skyinet.net> wrote:
>>Is it possible to store the accounting record of a user if my server
>>just acts as proxy? If so, how?
>>Example, below is my config for the realm domain.com
><Handler Realm = someisp.net>
>       AuthByPolicy    ContinueAlways
>       AuthBy          Proxy-Acct
>       AuthBy          Proxy-Auth
><AuthBy RADIUS>
>       Identifier      Proxy-Auth
>       <Host>
>               Secret          mysecret
>               AuthPort        1812
>               AcctPort        1813
>       </Host>
>       Retries                 2
><AuthBy SQL>
>        Identifier              Proxy-Acct
>        DBSource                dbi:MySQL:server=BLAH
>        DBUsername              radius
>        DBAuth                  foo
>        AuthSelect
>        AccountingTable
>        AcctSQLStatement        INSERT INTO blah ...
>At least that's what's worked for me ...
>Robert Blayzor, BOFH
>rblayzor at inoc.net
>PGP: http://www.inoc.net/~dev/
>Key fingerprint = A445 7D1E 3D4F A4EF 6875  21BB 1BAA 10FE 5748 CFE9
>Life would be much easier if I had the source code.

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