(RADIATOR) EAP Authentication problem with Win2000

Mike McCauley mikem at open.com.au
Tue Sep 9 18:23:53 CDT 2003


Your client is trying to start a PEAP authentication, but your Radiator 
configuration specifies only MD5-Challenge.

See the examples in goodies/eap_peap.cfg for PEAP configrations.


On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 10:31 pm, Arangeh, Dordaneh wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am running radiator 3.6 with a quite simple configuration as follows:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Foreground
> LogStdout
> LogDir          .
> DbDir           .
>         Secret  xxxxxxx
>         DupInterval 0
>         IgnoreAcctSignature
> </Client>
>      <AuthBy PLSQL>
>         NoDefault
>         DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xx.xxxx
>         DBUsername      xxxx
>         DBAuth          xxxx
>         # Authentication
>         AutoMPPEKeys
>         EAPType MD5-Challenge
>         AuthBlock       BEGIN \
>                            NETngRadius.getUserData
> ('%n',:passwd,:reply_item);\
>                         END;
>         AuthParamDef    :passwd,        User-Password,  check
>         AuthParamDef    :reply_item,    GENERIC,        reply
>     </Auth>
> </Realm>
> I am trying to use IEEE802.1x with win2000. In Win2000 the
> authentication is set to Protected EAP(PEAP) . After entering the
> username and password in logon credentials menu, following error message
> is returned in radiusd:
> .......
> Tue Sep  9 13:33:20 2003: INFO: EAP Nak desires type 25
> Tue Sep  9 13:33:20 2003: INFO: Access rejected for test: Desired EAP
> type 25 not permitted
> ...........
> It seems that radiusd does not recognize the desired EAP.
> Thanks in advance for your help or suggestions.
> Regards
> Dordaneh

Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia   http://www.open.com.au
Phone +61 3 9598-0985                       Fax   +61 3 9598-0955

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald, 
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory, EAP, TLS, 
TTLS, PEAP etc on Unix, Windows, MacOS etc.

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