(RADIATOR) Radiator Installation on other machine than SQL

Matthew Trout MatthewTrout at businessserve.co.uk
Wed Sep 3 10:11:11 CDT 2003

Nice way of doing it.

This will be because DBD::Oracle compiles statically linked by default,
hence you only need the libraries at the compile stage, not for run-time.

Building it on your Oracle server then copying all the installed files
(listed in the auto-generated .packlist file) over to the radius box would
also work, if they were running the same OS.

-----Original Message-----
From: Datareactor [mailto:talha at worldcall.net.pk] 
Sent: 03 September 2003 15:36
To: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator Installation on other machine than SQL

Thanks for your reply 

but i make it works in a different way. without installing any oracle

i mount my oracle server drive through NFS with read only access to radius

change the enviroment on radius machine 


where u012 dir on radius machine 

and then install DBD::ORACLE module . and then install Radiator

i test authenication through radpwtst it works and aslo from my RAS

i aslo unmount my oracle server drive still i am to connect . :)

Any comment throught will highly appriciated 




----- Original Message ----- 
From: Datareactor 
To: radiator at open.com.au 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: (RADIATOR) Radiator Installation on other machine than SQL

Dear all -

i want to install Radiator on machine other than my oracle server . 
i have few problem 

i have installed all required perl modules and my perl 5.8.0 

but i am unable to install DBD::ORACLE its gives me following message

ORACLE_HOME Enviroment must be set !!!

there is no oracle on this machine . 

should i need Sql*net and other libraries on this machine 

Thanks in advance 


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