(RADIATOR) downloadable ACL

Denis Pavani d.pavani at cineca.it
Tue Sep 2 05:07:16 CDT 2003

Hi all.
Does anyone know the correct sintax to configure on Radiator 
downloadable Cisco Pix ACL?
I tried to put in a profile: cisco-avpair="ip:inacl=<first row>, 
ip:inacl=<second row>" but it seems to be ignored.

Thanks in advance.

Denis Pavani

CINECA    -    Comunicazioni e Sistemi Distribuiti
NOC - Network Operations Center

phone:+39 0516171953 / fax:+39 0516132198
 "Siamo pagati per adattarci, improvvisare e raggiungere lo scopo"
  -- Gunny Highway 

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