(RADIATOR) error with certificate

Denis Pavani d.pavani at cineca.it
Tue Oct 21 11:15:02 CDT 2003

Hello. I use radiator with EAP-TLS and TTLS authentication for WLAN.
Last friday my server certificate expired and I requested one new at our CA.
Same encryption algorithm, same cipher lenght, but I got:

error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line

when server tries to read his private key file.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.

Denis Pavani

CINECA    -    Comunicazioni e Sistemi Distribuiti
NOC - Network Operations Center

phone:+39 0516171953 / fax:+39 0516132198
 "Siamo pagati per adattarci, improvvisare e raggiungere lo scopo"
  -- Gunny Highway 

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