jsingh jsingh at fdu.edu
Wed Nov 12 10:04:12 CST 2003

Hello Hugh

  I understand that Radiator is supposed to drop the connection after it
connects and talks to the LDAP Server. But I can see a connection for each
of my incoming requests. I changed the configuration file for Radiator to
sustain one connection, which is not the ideal situation as far as my
project is concerned. I would like to know if I am missing something in my
config or is this a bug in radiator. I am attaching my config without the
secrets. I am using Radiator-3.5 on solaris 8 with perl 5.6.1





LogDir            /var/log/radius3.5.1          

DbDir       .     

Trace       4

PidFile     /var/log/radius3.5.1/radiusd.pid

AuthPort    11645

AcctPort    11646

DefineGlobalVar Max 7200 

DictionaryFile /usr/local/adm/src/Radiator-3.5/dictionary


# Clients to suit your site. ###################################

<Client xx.xx.xx.xx>

      Secret      xxxxxx

      DupInterval 0 




<Client xxxx.fdu.edu>

      Secret xxxxx

      DupInterval 0



<Client xxxxxxx>

      Secret xxxx

      DupInterval 0




<Client xxx.xx.xx.xxx>

      Secret xxx

      DupInterval 0



<Client xx.xx.xx.xx>

      #Description Cisco AS5300

      Secret xxxxx

      DupInterval 0


<Client xx.xx.xx.xx>

      #Description Cisco AS5300 

      Secret xxxx

      DupInterval 1


<Client DEFAULT>


DupInterval 0



<AuthBy LDAP2>

            Identifier  CheckLDAP   

            Host  xxx.fdu.edu 

            Port 636


            SSLCAPath /usr/local/adm/etc/

            BaseDN dc=xxx, dc=xxx         

            Scope subtree 

            UsernameAttr  xxxxx     

            PasswordAttr  userPassword 


            Timeout 2

                FailureBackoffTime 30


            #CheckAttr cn


            #AuthAttrDef ipaddress,Framed-IP-Address,reply


            AddToReply Framed-Protocol = PPP,\

                  Framed-Routing = None,\

                  Framed-MTU = 1500,\

                  Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,\

                  Service-Type = Framed-User,\

                  Idle-Timeout = 300


            Debug 255



<AuthBy SQL>


      Identifier  Block-Time-SQL 

      DBSource     dbi:mysql:xxxx:localhost

      DBUsername   xxxxxx

      DBAuth       xxx

      DefaultSimultaneousUse 1

      AccountingTable xxxxx

      AuthSelect Select Time_Left from RADUSERS where User_Name='%n' 

      AuthColumnDef 0, Session-Timeout,reply 


      AcctSQLStatement Update RADUSERS set Time_Left=Time_Left
-'%{Acct-Session-Time}'  \     

            where User_Name='%n'; 




<AuthLog SQL>

      Identifier REQUEST

      DBSource dbi:mysql:xxxx:localhost

      DBUsername xxxxxx      

      DBAuth            xxxxxx


      SuccessQuery insert into RADAUTHLOG (TIME_STAMP,USERNAME,TYPE) values


values ('%l','%n',0,%1) </AuthLog>

<Realm 1.1>

      AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

      PreAuthHook file:"/usr/local/adm/bin/filename.pl"

      AuthBy CheckLDAP

      AuthBy Block-Time-SQL

      AuthLog REQUEST   

      MaxSessions 1

      PostAuthHook file:"/usr/local/adm/bin/filename.pl"

      SessionDatabase SQLDB

</Realm> ################################################################

<Realm 1.1.1>


      AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

      PreAuthHook file:"/usr/local/adm/bin/filename.pl"

      AuthBy CheckLDAP

      AuthBy Block-Time-SQL

      PostAuthHook file:"/usr/local/adm/bin/filename.pl"

      MaxSessions 1

      SessionDatabase SQLDB

      AcctLogFileName /var/radius/Acct


<SessionDatabase SQL>

                Identifier SQLDB

                DBSource   dbi:mysql:xxx:localhost

                DBUsername xxxxx

                DBAuth     xxxxx





Jaskaran Singh

University Systems & Security

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Teaneck, NJ 07666


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