(RADIATOR) RHES 3 & Net::Daemon problem and LogSQL.pm fix

Jacob Leaver jleaver at reachone.com
Tue Nov 11 10:47:34 CST 2003

Has anyone had any success with Radiator 3.7.1 on RedHat Enterprise 3 ?  I can't seem to get Net::Daemon to compile and test without failing the forkm test.   I went ahead and installed it anyway, but radiator is failing with no reason given, even at trace level 9.  One can only assume that this is related.

On another note, I can't remember if I mentioned this before or not, but LogSQL seems to have some non-functional code in it:
around about line 54 of LogSQL.pm, it reads:
    # Catch recursion
   return if $in_log++;  

which I think should always evaluate as true.   It seems to work better reading something more like:
    # Catch recursion
   return if $in_log > 1;       
which I believe will prevent the recursion that is mentioned in the comment.

Jacob Leaver
ReachONE Internet
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