(RADIATOR) Restricted logins.

Wesley Hof wesleyh at staf.planetinternet.be
Mon Nov 3 02:18:07 CST 2003

Hi List,

How can I setup radiator to accept only 1 authentication / user?

For example: User with username abc123 is already connected (Start-record recieved), at that time when a other customer tries connecting with that user to, he should get a deny. So no multiple logins.

I already searched the lists, and to the radiator reference manual sections:
- 6.17.15
- 13.1.14
- 6.16.3

The only problem I have is that I can't rely on my accounting data.

I also found something called a "ping" check ? Can someone explain this ?

Are there any other ways to do it without relying on the accounting data?

Thanks in advance!

(o_  Wesley Hof
//\  UNIX System Engineer
V_/_ UNInet ))) A Scarlet Company
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