(RADIATOR) logfile permission
shanali at magix.com.sg
Mon May 5 18:50:57 CDT 2003
we are trying to run radius as user nobody group nobody and find that accounting detail file is created with user nobody group nobody but logfile is always created with user root and group nobody. (thus prevents the new logs to be registered as only the owner is given write access - which is root)
however, when we change the user from nobody to some user say radius and group radius everything runs quiet ok.
LogDir /usr/local/etc/bb/logdir
DbDir /usr/local/etc/bb
AcctPort 1813
User radius
Group radius
#User nobody
#Group nobody
DictionaryFile %D/dictionary
LogFile %L/logfile-acct-%Y-%m-%d
Trace 4
<Client localhost>
Secret xxxxxxx
RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
AcctLogFileName %D/radacct/detail
<AuthBy FILE>
Filename %D/users
from /etc/passwd
nobody:*:65534:65534:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
radius:*:1001:1001:User &:/home/radius:/sbin/nologin
system specs: FreeBSD 4.8 stable with perl 5.8 and radiator 3.5
kindly advise how can we run radiator as nobody with all the files owned to nobody.
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