(RADIATOR) authorization on subnet base

Freerk Bosscha freerk at bosscha.nu
Tue Mar 11 15:41:21 CST 2003

Thanks for reading the question:


If the next are silly questions, I'm sorry, but I would like to have an


I would like to do the following:


Subnet 1.2.3.x / must be validated bij ldap and a specific dn


Subnet 1.2.4.x / must be validated bij ldap and a specific dn


Subnet 1.2.5.x / must be validated bij ldap and a specific dn


Further what need to be specified in the .cfg to validate only specific
users to logon to the

Cisco switch or router itself.

Perhaps I need to add specific attributes to the user-ldap-entry. If so,
could you please specify which to use ?


Thanks in advance,


Freerk Bosscha

Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden

The Netherlands

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