(RADIATOR) Possible bug in Radiator 3.5+patches Util.pm on Win2k

Valentin Tumarkin tv at xpert.com
Tue Mar 11 06:57:56 CST 2003


There seems to be a bug in Radiator 3.5 + latest patches on
Win2k OS in Util.pm. I haven't checked if the problem also 
exists on Unix. 

The problem is in the Util.pm 'append' sub. The 'mkdir' fails on 
dir/filename starting with '>>' (the real problem could be that 
'dirname' doesn't understand filenames that start with '>>').

The simple solution is to move the line that prepends the append 
redirection sign '>>' to filename after the 'mkpath'.


sub append
    my ($filename, $line) = @_;

    # Permit pipes
    $filename = ">>$filename" unless $filename =~ /^\|/;
    # Make sure the files directory exists.
    mkpath(dirname($filename), 0, 0755)
	unless -d dirname($filename);

    open(FILE, $filename) || return;
    print FILE $line;
    close(FILE) || return;
    return 1;


sub append
    my ($filename, $line) = @_;

    # Make sure the files directory exists.
    mkpath(dirname($filename), 0, 0755)
	unless -d dirname($filename);

    # Permit pipes
    $filename = ">>$filename" unless $filename =~ /^\|/;

    open(FILE, $filename) || return;
    print FILE $line;
    close(FILE) || return;
    return 1;

	Best Regards,


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