(RADIATOR) AuthDyna re-emerging bug??

Timothy G. Wells Tim.Wells at goodnews.net
Sat Jul 26 10:54:43 CDT 2003

Hi All,

I have a situation where I set a Class reply item with the AuthSQL query 
then use that value as a PoolHint

                 PoolHint %{Reply:Class}

Here's the interesting part.

If the data retrieved from the db is NULL then radiator never claims to try 
to allocate an IP from the   AddressPool. But if it is not NULL but it has 
a different value then any of the AddressPool names, I'm getting

No PoolHint found. No address will be allocated

Then it fails authentication.

Shouldn't it, if it doesn't see a PoolHint it likes just drop out and tell 
the NAS to just use one of its own?


I have

         AuthByPolicy                    ContinueWhileAccept

         AuthBy                          ModemSQL

         <AuthBy DYNADDRESS>

Timothy G. Wells, president                              513-662-4443 x11
Good News Internet Services                          fax 513-662-8461
Tim.Wells at goodnews.net                            http://www.goodnews.net

This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Ps 118:24, NIV)  
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