(RADIATOR) Question about AuthBy ADSI

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jul 23 19:24:29 CDT 2003

Hello Steve -

You can use the AuthBy RADIUS clause to forward radius requests to a 
remote radius server. The exact configuration will depend on what else 
you are already doing in your configuration file. I am not sure I 
understand what you mean by "domain policies" - can you give me a bit 
more detail?

BTW - Radiator runs just fine on W2K server.



On Thursday, Jul 24, 2003, at 00:44 Australia/Melbourne, Steve 
Caporossi wrote:

> Running radiator on a W2K server does not appear to be an option for 
> us...I need to forward any domain logins ie, domain\username to a 
> Windows radius server, but only if they try to login to the domain.  
> Has anyone done this and be willing to share their methodology?
> Can the domain policies be passed down to the machine as well using 
> AuthBy LDAP, AuthBy Radius or AuthBy NT?   Are there any advantages, 
> or disadvantages, between these?
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Hugh Irvine wrote:
>> Hello Steve -
>> Correct. AuthBy ADSI and the new AuthBy LSA clauses are only 
>> supported on recent Windows releases.
>> You can either try the AuthBy NT clause, or you can run an instance 
>> of Radiator on the Windows host and proxy requests to it.
>> You will find details on AuthBy NT in section 6.27 of the manual 
>> ("doc/ref.html").
>> regards
>> Hugh
>> On Wednesday, Jul 23, 2003, at 06:13 Australia/Melbourne, Steve 
>> Caporossi wrote:
>>> I am running radiator 3.6 (fully patched) on RH7.3 and need to tie 
>>> into AD for domain login and username/password checking.  In the 
>>> reference manual section 6.40 <AuthBy ADSI> it has the statement,
>>> <snip>
>>> It is only available on Windows 2000 platforms. It is implemented in 
>>> AuthADSI.pm"
>>> </snip>
>>> I am a little confused...does this mean that radiator needs to be 
>>> running on W2K?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
>>> Steve
>>> ===
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>> NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
>> together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?
> -- 
> Steve Caporossi
> Network Systems Engineer
> Center for Computing and Information Technology
> Medical University of South Carolina
> 843.876.5083
> ===
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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