(RADIATOR) Variable Substitution

Timothy G. Wells Tim.Wells at goodnews.net
Tue Jul 22 22:12:36 CDT 2003

Hi All,

Is there a way to have a variable be defined or set within a certain Realm 
or Handler so that the AuthBy some-auth-name could use that  variable in 
its processing?

<realm xyz.com>

AuthBy someauthhandler


<authBy SQL>

query where the value of variable is desired...



-- Tim

Timothy G. Wells, president                              513-662-4443 x11
Good News Internet Services                          fax 513-662-8461
Tim.Wells at goodnews.net                            http://www.goodnews.net

This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Ps 118:24, NIV)  
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