(RADIATOR) UsernameCharset Option

voigtlaender at hansenet.com voigtlaender at hansenet.com
Thu Jul 17 02:20:17 CDT 2003

Hi all,

we are using Radiator 2.17.1 (I know its rather old), and I would like to
use the UsernameCharset Option to reject weird access requests, since they
seem to kill the Radiator process. However, when I try to implement this
option I get the folling error: 

ERR: Unknown keyword 'UsernameCharset' in /usr/local/radius/radius.cfg line

It seems the UsernameCharset Option is not available in 2.17.1. Is there any
quick workaround to check the syntax of access requests with our Radiator
Version ?

Help would be highly appreciated


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