(RADIATOR) Problems upgrading

Bogdan TARU bgd at icomag.de
Tue Jul 15 05:44:43 CDT 2003

	Hi everyone,

 I have some problems when trying to install Radiator-2.19 with MySQL
3.23.55 and Perl 5.6.1. Radiator starts ok, but when I try to make a test
I get the following message:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Radius/SqlDb.pm line 232

 It seems that I get this message only when trying a first test,
afterwards everything works smoothly. Any ideas what could cause this? I
have googled around, but found nothing interesting. The mysql daemon
doesn't die (checked the logs), so this is NOT the problem.

 Thank you for your support,

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