(RADIATOR) Re: prepaid config :Accounting-Request 'No Reply' error

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sat Jan 25 15:19:35 CST 2003

Hello Jafar -

Thanks for sending the files.

Could you please try an experiment for me, by removing the 
"AccountingStopsOnly" and the "PostAuthHook" and trying your tests 
again. I would like to see which one is causing the problem. And could 
you also please send me the Radiator version and the hardware/software 
platform you are running on?



On Friday, Jan 24, 2003, at 19:03 Australia/Melbourne, Jaafar Bin Sarim 

> Hello Hugh
> I'm getting this error for my prepaid config:
> sending Accounting-Request Start...
> No reply
> Pls advise.
> Attached pls find the Radius config and logs
> Thank you.
> Best Regards
> Jaafar Sarim
> SingNet
> <card.cfg><logfile.20030124><radpwtst.log><rejectmessage>

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