(RADIATOR) accounting without authentication can't write data to postgres

Dennis Methelev dennis at gw.intertelecom.ru
Thu Jan 23 05:44:29 CST 2003

Hugh Irvine wrote:

> Hello Dennis -
> Thanks for sending the configuration file and the debug trace.
> It looks to me like there is an error occuring with your SQL server 
> due to the contents of the attributes you are trying to record.
> You should check the SQL server log to see what is happening.
> regards
> Hugh 

Thanx, Hugh.
problem solved. config fragment following. (RTFM)

<Handler NAS-IP-Address=......>
        SessionDatabase SDBVOIP
        <AuthBy SQL>
                DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=radius
                DBUsername      ***
                DBAuth          ***

                AccountingTable VOIPACCOUNTING
                AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name

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