(RADIATOR) Session-Timeout getting set too late

Jeff Cave jeff.cave at sunergon.com
Mon Jan 20 11:26:55 CST 2003

Two questions:

1. I have had Radiator thrown at me. I have no knowledge of the system and feel like I am in way over my head. Can anyone recommend good reading, courses or other ways to get educated?

2. The problem I have had thrown at me...

I have been asked to set a session timeout based on the amount of time left in a users account. I can hard code a timeout in the realm but I need to set it on a user-to-user basis. The system's code has been heavily modified and a lot of what is in the Radiator manual no longer seems to apply.

The Realm handler is a modified AuthSQL file.

In the file AuthCOMPNAME, I have added a couple of lines that add a session timeout to the response packet, but it seems that it does not calculate how much time the user has (SQL Procedure: isp_requestauth) until after the ACCESS-ACCEPT packet is sent to the NAS. When I check the log, it appears that isp_requestauth is being run before the ACCESS-ACCEPT packet is sent, this makes sense since isp_requestauth is also where the user's password and filename are verified and Radiator is catching invalid logins (infact it knows it was an invalid login because they had 0 minutes returned).

2. AuthCOMPNAME calculates session-timeout to be ?????
3. Accounting-Response Sent with SESSION-TIMEOUT = ?????

The problem with this is that with the initial timeout of 0, it seems that the timeout is not taking when it is sent in the accounting-response.

1. AuthCOMPNAME calculates session-timeout to be ?????

Does anyone have any suggestions on where/how I should be setting the session-timeout to ensure that the user has their appropriate timeout?


 AcctLogFileName  %L/account.log

  DBSource           dbi:ODBC:ilink
  DBUsername           xxxxxxx
  DBAuth                   xxxxxxx
  FailureBackoffTime        30
  Timeout                   10
  # Authentication
  AuthBlock  \
             isp_requestauth '%U','%P','%{NAS-IP-Address}/%{NAS-Port}','%{Calling_Station_ID}' 

  # Accounting
  AcctSQLStatement \
       isp_accounting '%U', \                                                
                      '%g-%i-%f %j:%k:%p', \
                      %{Acct-Session-Time}, \
                      '%{Acct-Session-Id}', \
                      '%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', \
                      '%N', \
                      '%{NAS-Port}', \
                      '%{Framed-IP-Address}', \
                      %{Acct-Input-Octets}, \

Signifigant Bits from AuthCOMPNAME:

#This is the only place that I can find that the response packet is built
#I have only added the one line and set it to a global variable $SessTime
#I know gobal is probably not the best for this but I'm panicking.
sub handle_request
    my ($self, $p, $rp, $extra_checks) = @_;
    my $type = ref($self);
    $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Handling with $type (special)");
    if ($p->decodedPassword() =~ /'/)
        $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "$type rejected because invalid char in password");
 return ($main::REJECT, 'Invalid Char in password');
    } else {
 $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "$type accepted char in password");
    # This is where the timeout gets stuffed into the response packet

    return $self->SUPER::handle_request($p, $rp, $extra_checks);


# Find a the named user by looking in the database, and constructing
# User object if we found the named user
# $name is the user name we want
# $p is the current request we are handling
sub findUser
    my ($self, $name, $p) = @_;
    my $q = &Radius::Util::format_special($self->{AuthBlock}, $p);

    # I set the global $SessTime in here
    my $sth = $self->prepareAndExecute($q);
    return ($User)


# Convenience function to prepare and execute a query.
# If it fails to execute, complain, and try to reconnect and reexecute.
# If it still fails to execute, return undef, else a statement handle
sub prepareAndExecute
    my ($self, $q) = @_;
    my ($attempts, $sth, $rc);

    $sth = $Radius::SqlDb::handles{$self->{dbname}}->prepare($q);
    $rc = $sth->execute if $sth;

    my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
    &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "2 rc = @$row[0], balance = @$row[1]\n");
    # Here is where I set SessTime
    $SessTime = @$row[1] * 60;

    return $sth;

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