(RADIATOR) Re: Radiator 3.3.1 stalls
Hugh Irvine
hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jan 8 15:04:34 CST 2003
Hello Riza -
You should probably upgrade to Radiator 3.5 which has improved SQL
timeout handling.
There are also a number of parameters available to modify SQL behaviour
See sections 6.28.4 and 6.28.5 in the Radiator 3.5 reference manual
On Wednesday, Jan 8, 2003, at 21:24 Australia/Melbourne, Riza Kamalie
> guys,
> We are using Radiator 3.3.1 and have the radclietlist and Session
> database
> login to external Oracle databases like the config shows below, what is
> happening is that Radiator stalls completely when it receives SQL
> timeouts
> when the database doesn't respond in time, now it has been identified
> to be
> a performance issue on the database server side as this handles allot
> better
> on better performing hardware. The concern here is that radiator
> stalls with
> this SQL timeout error and doesn't reconnect when the database server
> becomes very busy with some sort of maintance on the server etc. which
> results in obvious downtime and requires a restart etc. is there way to
> increase this SQL timeout to within reasonable limits? what the
> current SQL
> timeout limit? or make it able to back off and reconnect? like the
> scenario
> where is backs off when it is unable to connect to a SQL database the
> first
> time?
> Anyone body had similar issues like this?
> Any comments/suggestions/ideas would be great?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> ------------------------------------
> <ClientListSQL>
> DBSource dbi:Oracle:xxxx
> DBUsername xxxxx
> DBAuth xxxxx
> </ClientListSQL>
> <SessionDatabase SQL>
> DBSource dbi:Oracle:xxxx
> DBUsername xxxxx
> DBAuth xxxxx
> AddQuery insert into RADONLINE (USERNAME, USERID,
> \
> values ('%u', '%U', '%N', %{NAS-Port},
> '%{Acct-Session-Id}', \
> '%{Timestamp}', '%{Framed-IP-Address}',
> '%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%{Service-Type}', \
> '%{Called-Station-Id}', to_date('%l', 'DY MON
> DD
> HH24:MI:SS YYYY'), '%{Calling-Station-Id}')
> </SessionDatabase SQL>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> -----------------------------------------
> Thanks
> Riza Kamalie
> Technical Systems Manager
> Engineering
> Worldonline
> A Division of Tiscali (Pty) Ltd
> +27 (21) 940 9954
> +27(0) 82 992 2027
> riza at za.tiscali.com
> http://www.worldonline.co.za
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> Very funny Scotty... Now beam down my clothes!!
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