(RADIATOR) parsed variables on AuthBy configuration parameters

Bruno Tiago Rodrigues bofh at netc.pt
Tue Jan 7 11:16:13 CST 2003

Hi everyone

I have a AuthBy clause defined this way:

<AuthBy LDAP2>
        Identifier      primary
        Host            %{GlobalVar:PrimaryServer}
        AuthDN          %{GlobalVar:LDAPBindDN}
        AuthPassword    %{GlobalVar:LDAPBindPW}
        Port            389
        BaseDN          %{GlobalVar:LDAPBaseDN}

        SearchFilter    sid=%{Calling-Station-Id}
        PasswordAttr    Password

        Timeout         %{GlobalVar:LDAPtimeout}
        FailureBackoffTime      %{GlobalVar:BackoffTime}
</AuthBy LDAP2>

and the global variables are defined in a file which is included who looks
like this:

DefineGlobalVar PrimaryServer
DefineGlobalVar SecondaryServer
DefineGlobalVar LDAPtimeout     1
DefineGlobalVar BackoffTime     30
DefineGlobalVar LDAPBindDN      "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
DefineGlobalVar LDAPBindPW      "adminpw"
DefineGlobalVar LDAPBaseDN      "dc=example,dc=com"

(Global variables are also referenced from a PostAuth hook, hence the need
to centralize their definition in only one file)

Why does radiator have this behaviour:

Tue Jan  7 17:06:51 2003: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2: primary
Tue Jan  7 17:06:51 2003: INFO: Connecting to, port 389
Tue Jan  7 17:06:51 2003: INFO: Attempting to bind with
%{GlobalVar:LDAPBindDN}, %{GlobalVar:LDAPBindPW} (server
<server lockup and eventual LDAP timeout>

I see that the following code at AuthLDAP2.pm

    my $host = &Radius::Util::format_special($self->{Host});
    $self->log($main::LOG_INFO, "Connecting to $host, port $self->{Port}");

formats the variable as expected, but

sub bind
               "Attempting to bind with $name, $password (server

does not perform any format_special at all. Any reason for this? Can this
behaviour be changed in following releases or can I just patch my
installation in order to accomplish this in the future?


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