(RADIATOR) Same LDAP attribute for check and reply

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Feb 10 19:06:24 CST 2003

Hello Julio -

I would have thought that you could use the same attribute twice.

Could you send me the configuration file and the trace 4 debug?



On Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003, at 04:36 Australia/Melbourne, 
julio.prada at bt.es wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've Radiator server with an 'Authby LDAP' clause and a LDAP server i a
> sepparate box.
> I want to check LDAP attribute called 'connections' with 
> Simultaneous-Use
> (together with other attributes), and in the same Authby LDAP, after
> checking all attributes, do a reply from LDAP 'connections' (the same
> attribute used to check before) to Port-Limit 
> Radius-dictionary-attribute.
> This is giving some problems in order that the same attribute could not
> exist in both 'worlds': check and reply. I think this is the reason of 
> the
> problems because I solve it putting 'connections' attribute only in one
> 'world': check, or reply.
> There is anyway to use the same LDAP attribute checking and replying 
> in the
> same AuthbyLDAP?
> Another 'Authby LDAP' clause could solve the problem, but this will 
> mean an
> extra search in the LDAP, and extra work in Radiator and LDAP servers 
> and,
> of course, slow authentication.
> Any workaround?
> best regards,
> jules
> Julio Prada López
> BT Ignite
> Isabel Colbrand, 8 2º 28050 Madrid SPAIN
> telf: +34 91 270 6152
> fax: +34 91 270 6161
> mail: julio.prada at ignite.com <mailto:julio.prada at ignite.com>
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