Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Aug 26 00:34:49 CDT 2003

Hello Andrew -

You should set up a shell script that does what you require and refer  
to it with the SnmpgetProg.

Otherwise check the Net-SNMP documentation.

I have just downloaded the latest source tarball and built it and you  
can specify the default SNMP version to use when you build the  
distribution. Here is the URL:




On Tuesday, Aug 26, 2003, at 14:38 Australia/Melbourne, Andrew  
Stevenson wrote:

> Hi,
> How to I force snmpget to use SNMPv1 from radiator? I have an access
> server that times out unless you use SNMPv1. I tried setting the  
> snmpget
> command to snmpget -v 1 but radiator complained that it wasn't  
> executable.
> Is there an snmpgetargs directive?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> ===
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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