(RADIATOR) Radius 99.9% (fwd)

Wesley Hof wesleyh at staf.planetinternet.be
Fri Aug 22 04:33:46 CDT 2003


First of all my apologies to disturb u guys again.

I have a problem, my radius doesn't always react on accounting, I also see
that radiusd keeps almost 99% cpu in use. The machine has 1G ram and has 2
pIII 800 procs. Here is a paste from a top. When I restart radiator,
accounting goes well for about 2 minutes, then radiusd starts taking 99%
cpu and accounting goes wrong.

22599 root      15   0 11772  11M  3496 R       0 98.8  2.2 219:07 radiusd

I don't see the problem, anyone had this problem before?

Real thanks in advance.

(o_  Wesley Hof
//\  UNIX System Engineer
V_/_ UNInet ))) A Scarlet Company
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