(RADIATOR) SessionDatabase SQL

Andrea Brancatelli andrea at brancatelli.it
Sat Aug 9 21:25:01 CDT 2003

Hello Everybody.

After a period of test (a couple of month ago I made some other stupid 
questions <grin>) the client I'm working for has bought Radiator and now 
I'm in the phase of putting the radius server in production, thus 
activating everything we need in Radiator.

In the test version, whose configuration I basically moved to the 
complete one, I just made some quick and dirty setups to allow an XP 
supplicant to log in a network with a (sucky) D-Link 900AP+ reading 
users, password, and client lists from the database. Everything went 
smooth. Under the new machine, with the complete radiator I had been 
able to quickly restore everything smoothly, but now I'm facing some 

I'm developing a PHP interface to Radius (or, better, to all it's 
[mysql] tables) - maybe that if it comes out good enough I'll publish it 
- so basically I wanted to activate almost everything that was 
DB-related.... AuthBy SQL, SessionDatabase SQL, AuthLog SQL, StatsLog 
SQL and such.

Making a long story short (since I'm attaching the CFG file I think 
there's no need to explain anything more) the Session's Table it's 
always empty, as the AuthLog's table. I created the DB in standard way 
so we can assume everything is going fine on that side.

Furthermore I can't understand why everytime a supplicant logs in the 
log file gets filled with at least... 5 or 6 consequent requests. Is it 
a DLink stupidness? We are moving to Sparklan's Access Point so if it's 
an AP-related problem I won't care at all.

Closing an important question not strictly Radiator related.... Actually 
we are testing all this stuff only with XP and XP SP1 machines but we 
will need to give access to Win98 and Linux machines. Do Wireless card 
work smoothly with such OSses? How do they handle authentication? I 
mean, XP has got internal's PEAP stuff... how do Win98 works? All I have 
seen on the internet were people using no WEP nor Authentication when a 
Win98 client was involved just to use a VPN client later on, but this 
sucks badly. Do anybody here have any experience about this?

Going back to my SQL problem, here's the "clean" version of my CFG (that 
basically is just a eap_multi.cfg expanded):


You'll note that the <SessionDatabase SQL> is copied in every section. 
Do I need to do this? I suppose not, but since it wasn't working i tried 
that also.


The special logfiles, live ClientList's logfile or AcctLogFileName and 
PasswordLogFileName ain't working either.


30KB of log for just 1 access? Yep, I'm full trace but I think that 
there's something wrong there with my Config!


don't worry if there's any password around it's just a testing machine 
in a private net as of now.
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