(RADIATOR) Proxy-State - ExtendedIds bug + fix

r.c.w.besseling at kpn.com r.c.w.besseling at kpn.com
Thu Aug 7 08:03:20 CDT 2003

[ Oops, forgot to include the patch, so here it is...]

A new bug has been introduced in the last patches of the UseExtendedIds
An 'AddToRequest Proxy-State = whatever' will not be functional because in
the 'sendHost()' code all Proxy-State attributes are removed.

So I made a patch wich is more refined, only Proxy-States that are being
used as an ExtendedId are removed. This patch is based on AuthRADIUS.pm
v1.79 of 2003/06/23.

Could you include this patch in the official patchpacket?

groeten van mij... 
Ruud Besseling 
Product Specialist 
KPN - Internet Operator - Development TI 

tel.:   (070 - 45) 11081 
mail:  r.c.w.besseling at kpn.com

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