(RADIATOR) using the class atribute for a special purpose

Ayotunde Itayemi aitayemi at metrong.com
Mon Apr 28 06:21:59 CDT 2003

Hi Hugh, Hi All,

Ok. It seems that approach won't work then. I was hoping
radiator would do a check on the Class field before selecting
an Handler and thus match it to the Handler Class="EmailOnly".

My (new) idea is something like this:

Given the following scenario:
the 18002 access number is connected to a group of NASes. If the
user trying to connect has the Class attribute set to "emailonly",
REJECT (deny) the connection attempt with the <AuthBy EmailNoAccessauth>
otherwise allow access i.e., return accept so that the other AuthBys may
be considered. All other access requests (on other numbers) fall
naturally to <Handler Client-Identifier=mypattonrases>.

Please I need the code to implement the <AuthBy EmailNoAccessauth>
given that Class = "emailonly" is set in the replyattr field of the 
"emailonly" user records - which would have been retrieved via  
<AuthBy SQLClientauth> - that is why I put <AuthBy SQLClientauth> before
<AuthBy EmailNoAccessauth>
Of course if anyone reads this mail before Hugh does and you can provide 
me with the code for the <AuthBy EmailNoAccessauth> please go right ahead :-)

Tunde Itayemi.


<AuthBy EmailNoAccessauth>
     if Class = "emailonly" return REJECT

<Handler Called-Station-Id="18002">
     AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
     RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
     RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
     UsernameCharset a-zA-Z0-9\._ at -
     AcctLogFileName %L/account.log
     PasswordLogFileName %L/password.log
     SessionDatabase SDB1
     AuthBy SQLClientauth
     AuthBy EmailNoAccessauth
     AuthBy pattonIPADDRESSauth
     AuthBy ACCESSAccountingStart
     AuthBy ACCESSAccountingStop

<Handler Client-Identifier=mypattonrases>
     # AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject
     RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
     RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
     UsernameCharset a-zA-Z0-9\._ at -
     AcctLogFileName %L/account.log
     PasswordLogFileName %L/password.log
     SessionDatabase SDB1
     AuthBy SQLClientauth
     AuthBy pattonIPADDRESSauth
     AuthBy ACCESSAccountingStart
     AuthBy ACCESSAccountingStop

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hugh Irvine 
  To: Ayotunde Itayemi 
  Cc: radiator at open.com.au 
  Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 10:54 PM
  Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) using the class atribute for a special purpose

  Hello Tunde -

  The Class attribute is added to an access accept that is returned to the NAS and it will be included in all subsequent accounting requests from the NAS for the session.

  There will never be a Class attribute in an access request.

  The Called-Station-Id can be matched either on the exact string or on a regular expression. Regular expressions are delimited by "/.../". Check the Radiator reference manual and your Perl book for details.



  On Friday, Apr 25, 2003, at 23:07 Australia/Melbourne, Ayotunde Itayemi wrote:

    Hi Hugh,
    Still no luck. I noticed from the (attached) trace 4 debug log that the authentication request
    somehow skips the Class="EmailOnly" Handler and ends up being authenticated by the
    next handler (Client-Identifier=pattonrases) - please see attached radius.cfg
    The strange thing is that the accounting requests are then handled by the (correct) Handler !?
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    Please note that I have tried both
    Class="EmailOnly", Called-Station-Id=/15000/
    Class="EmailOnly", Called-Station-Id="15000"
    Which is actually the correct way of specifying the the Called-Station-id by the way
    Tunde I.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Hugh Irvine
    To: Ayotunde Itayemi
    Cc: radiator at open.com.au
    Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 12:42 AM
    Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) using the class atribute for a special purpose

    Hello Tunde -

    Yes this the correct approach and this is what the Class attribute is designed for.

    You will find quite a bit of discussion on the Class attribute on the mailing list archive.




    On Friday, Apr 25, 2003, at 05:52 Australia/Melbourne, Ayotunde Itayemi wrote:

    Hi All, Hi Hugh,
    I need a special variable that I can set in a particular group of users (email-only) records in my
    user database (an oracle table). Can I use the class atribute?
    I was thinking of something along the line of:
    Replyattr = ' Framed-Protocol = PPP,Session-Timeout="until Time", Class="Email-Only"'
    Then in the Handler section of my radiator config file:
    <Handler Class="Email-Only", Called-Station-Id=2001024>
    .... do something ...
    .... other handlers ...
    The idea is to process this group of users specially before the general users who connect to
    the same set of NASes. Also I won't set the Class attribute for my other class(es) of users.
    Do you think this will work? Do I lose anything by using the class attribute this way? Thanks.
    Tunde Itayemi.

    NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
    together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

    Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
    anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, MacOS X.
    Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
    flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.


  NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), 
  together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

  Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
  anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, MacOS X.
  Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
  flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.

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