(RADIATOR) Accounting LOG problem

Valerdi Tormo, Jose JValerdi at es.wanadoo.com
Tue Apr 8 02:34:12 CDT 2003

Hi Hugh,
I've tried with the same bad result. In the log I can't see the rewrite
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Hugh Irvine [mailto:hugh at open.com.au] 
Enviado el: martes, 08 de abril de 2003 9:08
Para: Valerdi Tormo, Jose
CC: radiator at open.com.au
Asunto: Re: (RADIATOR) Accounting LOG problem
Hello Jose - 
I would suggest you use the Class attribute to store the Caller-Id,
rather than rewriting the username. 
        <AuthBy ...> 
                AddToReply Class = %{Calling-Station-Id} 
The Class attribute will then be present in the subsequent accounting
On Tuesday, Apr 8, 2003, at 15:37 Australia/Melbourne, Valerdi Tormo,
Jose wrote: 
We are using Radiator and nowadays we have a little problem with the
Accounting LOG.In our Handle we are trying to rewrite the username to
replace a generic username with the Caller-Id attribute. 
 This work fine andwe can control the sessions correctly in our session
database but after that when radiator writes the Accounting Start/Stop
log file it fill the string %{Caller-Id} in the username instead the
We've tried to manage the accounting and access handle in a different
context but with the same result.Any sugestion?? 
Thanks in advance, 

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets), 
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening? 
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