(RADIATOR) AddToReply and Hosts

miko at yournetplus.com miko at yournetplus.com
Fri Apr 4 13:30:01 CST 2003

I am attempting to use the AddToReply and StripFromReply on a per host
basis with SQLRADIUS and am not having much luck... Upon looking at the
source code and the archives it looks like it should work...

Here are the relevant pieces of my config, I am almost certain I am
doing it correctly.

        HostSelect SELECT host%0, authport%0, acctport%0, secret%0,
retries, retrytimeout, failurepolicy, \
serverhasbrokenportnumbers, ignorereplysignature, noforwardaccounting,
rewriteusername, stripfromreply, addtoreply \
                    FROM RAD_RADIUSINFO \
                    WHERE realm = '%W'

        HostColumnDef 0, Host
        HostColumnDef 1, AuthPort
        HostColumnDef 2, AcctPort
        HostColumnDef 3, Secret
        HostColumnDef 4, Retries
        HostColumnDef 5, RetryTimeout
        HostColumnDef 6, failurePolicy
        HostColumnDef 7, ServerHasBrokenAddresses
        HostColumnDef 8, ServerHasBrokenPortNumbers
        HostColumnDef 9, IgnoreReplySignature
        HostColumnDef 10, NoForwardAccounting
        HostColumnDef 11, RewriteUsername
        HostColumnDef 12, StripFromReply
        HostColumnDef 13, AddToReply

The record gets pulled and processed correctly, host response is as it
should be, but my StripFromReply and AddToReply are ignored...

I also did a test with AUTH RADIUS entering in a <Host xx.xx.xx.xx> with
an AddToReply statement in there and it was ignored as well...

If anyone has any suggestions about ways to correct this, or to handle
this with a hook I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Just as an
informational, I am wanting to do this in order to be able to specify
different reply attributes for the reply packet based on the realm, but
I do not want to create a separate handler for each realm.


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