(RADIATOR) Another feature suggestion: profiles via dynamic username lookup for AuthFILE

Valentin Tumarkin tv at xpert.com
Thu Apr 3 06:04:16 CST 2003


While doing work for our clients I very often have to implement a  
'profile'  scheme for users. ( By 'profile' I mean a  named set of 
check/reply item definitions that can be assigned to a user 
by name)

AuthFILE is ideal for storing profiles, because:

* It's simple to maintain, but still rather powerful
* It has built-in caching
* Doesn't require Radiator reload/HUP on file modification

The only problem is that AuthFILE doesn't do format_special on the 

I used to implement this using hooks (a bit of problem if you want to 
lookup the profile before you do the actual authentication). I also played 
around with modified AuthFILE module.

Now, I think, I found a nice and rather generic solution - modified 
AuthGeneric get_user sub. The get_user sub checks if 'UserSearchKey' 
parameter was defined, and if so - does dynamic formatting on it and uses 
the result for findUser call.

Unfortunately the patch only works for modules that do not overwrite 
handle_request, their findUser sub is called by the AuthGeneric's 
version of get_user, and their findUser sub uses the username 
it got from its call arguments.

As far as I've checked - the patch will be useful for:

(please note that actual testing was only done with AuthFILE)

A configuration example and the patch follow.

Also, speaking of profiles, I've written a nice hook for "user belonging to 
multiple groups, stored in LDAP" support, and a proof-of-concept generic 
caching module. Should I post them ?

## config file sample

# Check DNIS Profile
<AuthBy FILE>
        Identifier      Check_DNIS_Profile
        Filename        %{GlobalVar:ETCDIR}/dnis_profiles
        UserSearchKey   %{Called-Station-Id}
        # NoDefault
        # Nocache

# Check Group Profile, using X-Group-Name we got from LDAP
<AuthBy FILE>
        Identifier      Check_Group_Profile
        Filename        %{GlobalVar:ETCDIR}/group_profiles
        UserSearchKey   %{X-Group-Name}
        # NoDefault
        # Nocache

<AuthBy LDAP2>
	# Map user group profile name LDAP attribute to the 
	# X-Group-Name attribute in RADIUS Request packet

# Do DNIS Profile, then LDAP Auth, then User Group Profile
<Handle X-Some-Wierd-Attribute=Z >
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
        AuthBy  Check_DNIS_Profile
        AuthBy  MyLDAPAuth
        AuthBy  Check_Group_Profile

# 'dnis_profiles' file:
# The key is Called-Station-Id
5550001	Realm = /^(foo|bar)$/,Auth-Type=MyAuth1
	Reply-Message="using cascading auth 1"

5550002	Client-Identifier = /Cisco/
	cisco-avpair = "some cisco av"
	Reply-Message="you are using Cisco NAS"

# If you want the module to 'ACCEPT' undefined cases - use 'DEFAULT'

# 'group_profiles' file
# The key is X-Group-Name
	Reply-Message="You are in group1"

	Reply-Message="You are in group2"

## END Examples

## The patch for AuthGeneric.pm

# In the %Radius::AuthGeneric::ConfigKeywords add:
       'UserSearchKey'		   => 'string',

# In the 'sub get_user', before the findUser while loop
 	# Allow to search for user using RADIUS
 	# Request attribute (or combination) other then User-Name 
 	# Valentin Tumarkin / Xpert   2003/04/03
 	my $orig_user_name = $user_name;
 	if ( $self->{UserSearchKey} ) {
 		$user_name = &Radius::Util::format_special
 		 	$p, undef,
 		$self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Using dynamic user key '$user_name' in auth of '$orig_user_name' with $type'", $p);

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