(RADIATOR) Orinoco AP-500/1000 MAC auth problem

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at rz.uni-ulm.de
Mon Sep 23 02:03:33 CDT 2002

Hi Bon,

Bon sy schrieb:
> Sehr geehrter Charly
>         Vielen Dank!
>         Ich bin sehr froh. Mein AP funktioniert. Dass gefaellt mir sehr
> gut. Das ist mein Log im attachment.
> Bon
> P.S. I wish I can write more than this with my limited German proficiency.

your german is better than my english :-(
> > why do you ask? Where is your problem?
>         I managed to get the RADIATOR to talk to the AP, but the AP
> initially did not authorize wireless access properly even it receives the
> access authentication. Apparently (Naturalick) I missed to include in the
> reply the user-name and NAS-IP-address information.

I don't need this Reply Attributes, really. Are you really sure this
is needed in your environment? If this is the truth, perhaps we should
talk about Firmware versions, but since AP500 V.3.83 it was really not
to spend reply attributes here in my environment, just "empty" Access
Accept packets.

> > > I am completely surprised by the tech support when they told me they
> > > themselves have to get in touch with the AP-1000 developer to get that
> > > information. I am hoping someone in the list may have the information
> > > handy.
> >
> > what tech support? Compare it to the tech support for radiator ;-)
>         You are right! No tech support gets close to radiator!

Yep, thanks to Hugh and Mike and the radiator community!

Karl Gaissmaier          Computing Center,University of Ulm,Germany
Email:karl.gaissmaier at rz.uni-ulm.de          Network Administration
Tel.: ++49 731 50-22499
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