(RADIATOR) Cisco AVPAIR not working

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Sep 3 21:52:29 CDT 2002

Hello Anthony -

You will have to check a debug on the Cisco to see what is happening, 
and you will have to check with Cisco to ascertain the correct syntax 
for the cisco-avpair. It may also be possible to use Ascend 
compatibility on the Cisco to achieve this.

I do not believe there is any way to override hard-coded DNS settings on 
a host, although someone else on the list may know more than I do.



On Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 12:31 PM, Anthony Roque Adriano 

> Hello, 
> Am currently configuring RADIATOR to give a DNS entry instead of the 
> RAS giving it. The setup is working for the ASCEND RAS but for 
> my CISCO 5300 its not.  Have gone through the mailing list and try all 
> suggestion, but still can't get it to work, can anyone point out what 
> i'm doing wrong.
> Here's my config :
>  #LogStdout
> LogDir          /var/log/radius-log
> LogFile         %L/%Y-%m-%d-radiuslog
> DbDir           /usr/local/etc/raddb
> DictionaryFile  /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary.cisco
> DictionaryFile  /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary.ascend2
> DictionaryFile  /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary.livingston
> DictionaryFile  /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary
> # Dont turn this up too high, since all log messages are logged
> # to the RADMESSAGES table in the database. 3 will give you everything
> # except debugging messages
> Trace 4
> <AuthBy RADMIN>
>         Identifier Acceptmehere
>         # Change DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth for your database
>         # See the reference manual. You will also have to
>         # change the one in <SessionDatabse SQL> below
>         # so its the same
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:#####
>         DBUsername      ######
>         DBAuth          ######
>         # Only one session per user at a time
>         #DefaultSimultaneousUse 1
>         # Let the user in if they have any time left
>         # Set the Session-timeout to timeleft
>         AuthSelect select PASS_WORD,STATICADDRESS,\
>                 from RADUSERS where (USERNAME='%n' and VALIDFROM < %t )
>         AuthColumnDef   0,User-Password,check
>         AuthColumnDef   1,Filter-Id,reply
>         AuthColumnDef   2,Session-Timeout,reply
>         AuthColumnDef   3,Simultaneous-Use,check
>         # You can add to or change these if you want, but you
>         # will probably want to change the database schema first
>         AccountingTable RADUSAGE
>         AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
>         AcctColumnDef   TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Ascend-Disconnect-
> Cause,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address
>         AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
>         AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-IP-Address
>         AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   DNIS,Called-Station-Id
>         AcctColumnDef   CALLERID,Calling-Station-Id
>         AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
>         AcctColumnDef   DNIS,Called-Station-Id
>         AcctColumnDef   CALLERID,Calling-Station-Id
>         # These are the classic things to add to each users
>         # reply to allow a PPP dialup session. It may be
>         # different for your NAS. This will add some
>         # reply items to everyone's reply
>         # Add Idle-Timeout of 15 mins
>         DefaultReply Service-Type = Framed-User, \
>                 Framed-Protocol = PPP, \
>                 Framed-IP-Netmask =, \
>                 Framed-Routing = None, \
>                 Framed-MTU = 1500, \
>                 Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP, \
>                 Idle-Timeout = 900, \
>                 cisco-avpair= "ip:dns-servers=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", \
>                 Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,\
>                 Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,\
>                 Ascend-Client-Assign-DNS = DNS-Assign-Yes
> </AuthBy>
> <Handler Realm=myrealm>
>         AuthBy Acceptmehere
>  # Show rejection reason to users
>         RejectHasReason
> By the way, im using Cisco 5300,
> Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
> IOS (tm) 5300 Software (C5300-IS-M), Version 12.0(7)T,  RELEASE 
> SOFTWARE (fc2)
> Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
> Compiled Wed 08-Dec-99 20:25 by phanguye
> Image text-base: 0x600088F8, data-base: 0x60C6A000
> And here is my RADIUS log file
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 33554 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 174
> Authentic:  E<147><203><5><162><145>t<149>E3<180>T<194><20><223><18>
> Attributes:
>         NAS-IP-Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>         NAS-Port = 228
>         NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
>         User-Name = "user at myrealm"
>         Called-Station-Id = "xxxxxxxx"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "xxxxxxxx"
>         User-Password = "<212> 
> <144><164>7<176><206><113><182><255><165><164><141><145><181><149>"
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         Framed-Protocol = PPP
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: Check if Handler Realm=myrealm should 
> be used to handle this request
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
> 'Realm=myrealm'
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG:  Deleting session for user at myrealm, 
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, 228
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: do query is: delete from RADONLINE 
> where NASIDENTIFIER='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' and NASPORT=0228
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into RADMESSAGES 
> (TIME_STAMP, TYPE, MESSAGE) values (1031037217, 4, 'Handling with 
> Radius::AuthRADMIN')
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into RADMESSAGES 
> (TIME_STAMP, TYPE, MESSAGE) values (1031037217, 4, 'Handling with 
> Radius::AuthRADMIN: Acceptmehere')
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select 
> RADUSERS where (USERNAME='user at myrealm' and VALIDFROM < 1031037217)
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select ATTR_ID, VENDOR_ID, 
> IVALUE, SVALUE, ITEM_TYPE from RADCONFIG where NAME='user at myrealm' 
> order by ITEM_TYPE
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into RADMESSAGES 
> (TIME_STAMP, TYPE, MESSAGE) values (1031037217, 4, 'Radius::AuthRADMIN 
> looks for match with user at myrealm')
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into RADMESSAGES 
> (TIME_STAMP, TYPE, MESSAGE) values (1031037217, 4, 'Radius::AuthRADMIN 
> ACCEPT: ')
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: do query is: update RADUSERS set 
> BADLOGINS=0 where USERNAME='user at myrealm'
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: Access accepted for user at myrealm
> Tue Sep  3 15:13:37 2002: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 33554 ....
> Code:       Access-Accept
> Identifier: 174
> Authentic:  E<147><203><5><162><145>t<149>E3<180>T<194><20><223><18>
> Attributes:
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         Framed-Protocol = PPP
>         Framed-IP-Netmask =
>         Framed-Routing = None
>         Framed-MTU = 1500
>         Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
>         Idle-Timeout = 900
>         cisco-avpair = "ip:dns-servers="
>         Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>         Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>         Ascend-Client-Assign-DNS = DNS-Assign-Yes
> Accounting request follows and user got connected..
> Also,  is there a way to overwrite what user has specified on their DNS 
> settings for MS windows.
> Thanks,
> thony

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