(RADIATOR) Problems with PreAuthHook

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sat Oct 26 02:06:42 CDT 2002

Hello Frank, Hello Bogdan -

Radiator keeps both versions of the username available, because the NAS 
itself has kept a copy of the original username as entered by the user. 
If you use Radiator to do strict session limit checking by querying the 
NAS, you *must* have the original username available to do so.



On Saturday, October 26, 2002, at 12:29 AM, Frank Danielson wrote:

> It's been my experience that for some reason Radiator stores the user 
> name a
> couple of different ways. If you want to authoritatively change the 
> user
> name attribute you need to do this in your hook-
> 	$p->{OriginalUserName}='abracadabra';
> 	$p->changeUserName('abracadabra');
> For your purposes you may be able to use just changeUserName()
> Frank Danielson
> [Infrastructure Architect]
> wireless: 407.467.7832
> wireline: 407.515.8633
> Data On Air
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bogdan TARU [mailto:bgd at icomag.de]
> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 7:43 AM
> To: radiator at open.com.au
> Subject: (RADIATOR) Problems with PreAuthHook
> 	Hi guys,
>  It seems that I don't know how to use PreAuthHook properly. I would 
> like
> to do something like: if a username matches a certain patter (in my 
> case,
> the last two chars are 'es'), then rename the username to a known one
> 'abracadabra', and do the authentification (fetch 'abracadabra's
> attributes instead of the actual user ending in 'es'). So I did a:
>     RewriteUsername s/(.*)\\+$/$1/
>     PreAuthHook sub { \
>         my $p = ${$_[0]}; \
>         my $username = $p->get_attr('User-Name'); \
>         if (substr($username,-2) eq 'es') { \
>           $p->delete_attr('User-Name'); \
>           $p->add_attr('User-Name', 'abracadabra'); \
>           &main::log($main::LOG_ERR, $p->get_attr('User-Name')); \
> 	} \
>     }
>  And the AuthSelect looks like:
>  AuthSelect      select users.attribute from users left join users AS 
> tmp
> 			on \
>                  tmp.User='%{User-Name}' where (tmp.User IS NULL AND
> 			users.User='Default')
>  But it seems that %{User-Name} in the Select statement is the original
> username, not the one that I replaced. The log file looks like:
> Fri Oct 25 13:36:41 2002: ERR: abracadabra
> Fri Oct 25 13:36:41 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
> Fri Oct 25 13:36:41 2002: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:
> Fri Oct 25 13:36:41 2002: DEBUG: Query is: select users.attribute from
> users left join users AS tmp on tmp.User='bgdes' where (tmp.User IS 
> AND users.User='Default')
>  What am I doing wrong?
>  Thanks,
>  bogdan
> ----------------------------
> iCom Media AG
> Kirchweg 36
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