(RADIATOR) proxy radius

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Oct 24 00:49:19 CDT 2002

Hello Mark -

This is because the AuthBy pap clause is accepting the accounting 
request before it is proxied.

Try this:

<Handler Realm=otherisp.net.au>
   AuthBy otherisp
   AuthBy pap
   AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways



On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 12:35 PM, Mark Russell wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to setup proxy radius so it sends start/stop/acct records to
> downstream whilst retaing a copy for myself
> the relevent config lines are
> <AuthBy RADIUS>
>   Host otherisp.net.au
>   AcctPort 1646
>   AuthPort 1645
>   Identifier otherisp
>   Retries 3
>   RetryTimeout 5
>   Secret xxx
> </AuthBy>
> <Handler Realm=otherisp.net.au>
>   AuthBy pap
>   AuthBy otherisp
>   AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
> </Handler>
> I'm seeing the correct details but the downstream isn't seeing 
> anything.
> Would anyone have a clue what I have done wrong?
>  _
> (_)___ _ __             Mark Russell
> | / __| '_ \            mark at isp.net.au
> | \__ \ |_) |           http://www.isp.net.au
> |_|___/ .__/            ph: 1300 304 288
>       |_|
> Broadband from $55 p/m (NSW Only)
> Dialup from $5.50 p/m (National)
> ===
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