(RADIATOR) Check Caller ID

Billy Li billyl at unitechnetworks.com
Tue Oct 8 23:20:42 CDT 2002

Dear All,

I can now use AuthAttrDef to do the authentication with caller ID by...

                 AuthAttrDef otherTelephone,Calling-Station-Id,check

but I would like to know if there have any "OR" relationship for the above ?

that means the user can login with either telephoneNumber OR otherTelephone 


At 11:14 AM 10/9/2002, Billy Li wrote:
>Dear All,
>I would like to check the callerID as well as the username and password 
>with AuthBy ADSI with Windows 2000 Active Directory box, anyone have any idea ?
>Billy Li
>System Engineer
>Unitech Computer System Ltd.


Billy Li

System Engineer
Unitech Computer System Ltd.
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