(RADIATOR) decrypt problems

Miro Majcen miro at boter.net
Thu Oct 3 01:46:03 CDT 2002

Attaching the requested files..



----- Original Message -----
From: Hugh Irvine
To: Miro Majcen
Cc: radiator at open.com.au
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) decrypt problems

Hello Miro -

The Cisco debug log shows "Authentication failure" - but to say any more I
will need to see a copy of your configuration file (no secrets) together
with a trace 4 debug from Radiator showing what is happening in both cases.



On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 11:13 PM, Miro Majcen wrote:


i have been trying to get my cisco 3640 to authenticate via radiator. While
the exact config works on 26xx , it doesn't work with 3600 Software
(C3640-I-M), Version 12.2(5), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

here is the debug log, any idea what could be causing this ?

1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: RX <- SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x01
1d05h:         Sending Complete
1d05h:         Bearer Capability i = 0x8890
1d05h:         Channel ID i = 0x89
1d05h:         Calling Party Number i = 0x01, 0x83, '354', Plan:ISDN,
1d05h:         Called Party Number i = 0x80, '374', Plan:Unknown,
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: Event: Received a DATA call from 354 on B1 at 64 Kb/s
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: Event: Accepting the call id 0x22
1d05h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI2/0:1, changed state to up
1d05h: BR2/0:1 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref = 0x81
1d05h:         Channel ID i = 0x89
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8  callref = 0x81
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8  callref = 0x01
1d05h: BR2/0:1 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 32 len 27 from "Router"
1d05h: BR2/0:1 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 32 len 25 from "miro"
1d05h: RADIUS: ustruct sharecount=2
1d05h: Radius: radius_port_info() success=1 radius_nas_port=1
1d05h: RADIUS: Initial Transmit BRI2/0:1 id 31,
Access-Request, len 85
1d05h:         Attribute 4 6 0A0A6794
1d05h:         Attribute 5 6 00007531
1d05h:         Attribute 61 6 00000002
1d05h:         Attribute 1 6 6D69726F
1d05h:         Attribute 30 5 3337341F
1d05h:         Attribute 31 5 33353403
1d05h:         Attribute 3 19 2061901F
1d05h:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
1d05h:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
1d05h: RADIUS: Received from id 31, Access-Accept, len 74
1d05h:         Attribute 8 6 0A0A0302
1d05h:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
1d05h:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
1d05h:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
1d05h:         Attribute 9 6 FFFFFFFF
1d05h:         Attribute 10 6 00000000
1d05h:         Attribute 12 6 000005DC
1d05h:         Attribute 13 6 00000001
1d05h:         Attribute 28 6 00000384
1d05h: RADIUS: Response (31) failed decrypt
1d05h: RADIUS: Reply for 31 fails decrypt
1d05h: BR2/0:1 CHAP: Unable to validate Response.  Username miro:
Authentication failure
1d05h: BR2/0:1 CHAP: O FAILURE id 32 len 26 msg is "Authentication failure"
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref = 0x01
1d05h:         Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing
1d05h: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface BRI2/0:1 is now connected to 354 1a8e01
1d05h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI2/0:1, changed state to down
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 0x81
1d05h:         Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing
1d05h: ISDN BR2/0: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 0x01



NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, MacOS X.
Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.
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