(RADIATOR) Problem with Class attribute

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Nov 22 22:24:22 CST 2002

Hello Ganbold -

What definition do you have for "Class" in your dictionary (looks like  

It should be defined as "string".

Here is the entry from the standard dictionary:

ATTRIBUTE       Class                   25      string



On Friday, Nov 22, 2002, at 17:20 Australia/Melbourne, Ganbold wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having trouble with Radiator 3.3.1. I'm putting concatenated value  
> to Class attribute.
> But in radius logfile it says ERR: There is no value named 19-400 for  
> attribute Class. Using 0.
> In insert statement it gets Class value and gets part of string and  
> puts into 2 different int field.
> Following is the part of logfile and insert statement.
> Ganbold
> ------Logfile --------------------------
> Thu Nov 21 19:53:08 2002: ERR: There is no value named 19-400 for  
> attribute Class. Using 0.
> Thu Nov 21 19:53:08 2002: ERR: There is no value named 19-400 for  
> attribute Class. Using 0.
> Thu Nov 21 19:53:08 2002: DEBUG: do query is: insert into ACCOUNTING  
> PUTOCTETS) values  
> ('skytel','Stop',substring('19-400',1,locate('-','19-400')- 
> 1),1037879588,'User-Request','56','11366801',0,su
> bstring('19-400',locate('-','19- 
> 400')+1),'000F6CE3',511690,'202.179.x.xx',3131,7864103)
> ===
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