(RADIATOR) AuthSQL with password imported from /etc/shadow

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Nov 6 09:04:50 CST 2002

Hello Daniel -

You should not use "EncryptedPassword". The "{crypt}" tag on the front 
of the string will cause "the right thing" to happen if you access the 
field as just a plain password.



On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 01:51 AM, 
<Daniel.Binggeli1 at swisscom.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Solaris 2.8 Node
> Imported my password from /etc/shadow in my SQL database in table 
> {crypt}IofLKK/oJstSo
> sql.cfg:
> AuthSelect select CRYPTPW from USERS where N = %0 EncryptedPassword
> Access-Request from cisco-NAS
> Request denied
> Are I'm on the wrong way? Clear Password Authentication works fine....
> Please help...
> Thanks...Daniel
> mailto:daniel.binggeli1 at swisscom.com
> Internet:www.swisscom.com/enterprise-solutions

NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our 

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