(RADIATOR) Question about "Calls" table

Huaikun Lin lin at actrix.co.nz
Mon Nov 4 17:21:40 CST 2002


I am using SQL server and radiator 3.1 radius.

In SQL server,we have a table "calls" which records the accounting data.

Recently,I found the data in one of the field "CallDate" (data 
type:datetime) is not exactly
acurate. This data type should record data like "2002-11-05 12:05:23". But 
the actual
data is something like "2002-11-05 12:05:00" which the "second" field is 
alway 0.
(The year,month,day,hour,min are right.)

When I check the radius debug, I can see the "Insert" statement doesn't include
the "second" field and make the data is not 100% acurate:

insert into Calls 
AcctOutputOctets) values ('test',2,541262250,'Nov  5, 2002 
12:10','204301AA-3DC6C5C6',25 45013,14466,66242572)

I think the insert statement in radius script causes the inacurate.

If there is no "second" field in there,the SQL database makes it to be "00".

Is there anywhere to fix that?

How to fix it.

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