(RADIATOR) Adding a new NAS box what dictory file to use

neil d. quiogue neil at quiogue.com
Mon Nov 4 02:47:37 CST 2002

Normally the standard dictionary is enough.  If not, what we usually do 
is add missing entries (noted from the logfile) to the standard 
dictionary from the other dictionaries.


Neil D. Quiogue

On Monday, November 4, 2002, at 03:56  PM, mhobbs wrote:

> I've just beening running Portmaster3 using the standard dictionary 
> file.
> I've now added a Acsend Max 4000 to my network
> What do I need to do with the dictionary file ?
> Do I just use the dictionary.ascend file now will the portmaster3 
> continue
> to work as normal ?
> Thanks
> Speedlink
> ===
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