(RADIATOR) SessionDatabse SQL and Multiple Logins

radius at bitor.com radius at bitor.com
Sun May 26 10:59:40 CDT 2002

I have configured my Radiator 3.0 to use a Mysql database for session management.

I assume that "SessionDatabase SQL" is a global directive.

In each relam that I only want to permit single logins. I have specified "DefaultSimultaneousUse 1"

I am using the database schema for the RADONLINE from the goodies dir.

The strange thing is the following:

when an authentication request is first received, 

DEBUG: do query is: delete from RADONLINE where NASIDENTIFIER=....

if this is done, the user's session will always be deleted from the database. As such multiple logins will be permitted. 

Is there something I am missing here?


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