(RADIATOR) Can you do non global trace logging?

Paul Culmsee pculmsee at wiredcity.com.au
Fri May 24 03:18:19 CDT 2002

Hi there

I'm running Radiator version 3.0 with a couple of patches on Win2k. Radiator
config is exclusively handlers and I have configured the new 'per handler '
type logging feature where any <LOG> sections within a <section> of some
sort will log only for that section.

It all works except that if I set the tracelevel to 5 in one of these logs I
do not see the same degree of detail (packet dumps) that I do when setting
the trace globally. The docco suggests that setting the trace at level 5
should work. The global trace is currently set to 4.

What I am seeing looks like trace level 3.

Is this known or can somebody try and repro?

thanks muchly


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