(RADIATOR) AuthByNT - Unknown keyword 'Domain'

Per Lütkemeyer pel at dmdata.dk
Thu May 23 09:11:18 CDT 2002

Hi Hugh,

I want to create a NT-proxy on an WinNT4 member-server.  The server is 
member of a domain where I need to authenticate som of my users.   The 
installed version of Active state perl is

I get the following output from radiusd when running nt.cfg from \goodies 
C:\Radiator>perl radiusd -config_file nt.cfg
Thu May 23 15:39:52 2002: ERR: Unknown keyword 'Domain' in nt.cfg line 40
Thu May 23 15:39:52 2002: ERR: Unknown keyword 'DomainController' in 
nt.cfg line

Can you give me at hint of what I need to do....

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Per Lütkemeyer
DMdata a/s
pel at dmdata.dk
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