(RADIATOR) Running two radiator instances

auth.admin at dctech.com.ph auth.admin at dctech.com.ph
Wed May 8 00:55:50 CDT 2002


I'm trying to setup my system to run two instances of radiator.

I have this in my start script:

--begin script --
/bin/restartWrapper -mail charles at dctech.com.ph -delay 2 "/usr/bin/radiusd -
config_file /etc/radius/radminauth.cfg -foreground" &

/bin/restartWrapper -mail charles at dctech.com.ph -delay 2 "/usr/bin/radiusd -
config_file /etc/radius/radminacct.cfg -foreground" &

--end script--

now as you can see above I have two config files, radminauth.cfg and 
radminacct.cfg, do I need to have exact config options on both config files?
if not how do I divide the config file for auth only and accounting only?

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