(RADIATOR) Radiator 3.0 released

Jerome Fleury jeje at jeje.org
Tue Mar 26 07:50:57 CST 2002

--On Tuesday, March 26, 2002 02:45:53 PM +1100 Mike McCauley 
<mikem at open.com.au> wrote:

> We are pleased to announce the release of Radiator version 3.0
> Version 3.0 contains many signicant architectural and performance
> features,  support for our new Radar real-time monitoring and graphing
> package, new statistics logging and gathering modules and many other new
> features.

I tried to upgrade from 2.19 to 3.0, everything went fine excepted that the 
naming of my logfiles are not correctly handled. I have this in my config 

LogDir          /opt/radius/logs/adsl
LogFile         %L/logfile-%f%g%i

in 2.19 I get log filenames like this


whereas I only get


when I switch to 3.0. (I use exactly the same config file)

any idea guys ? (I still haven't had the time to look in the code...)

Jerome Fleury
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