(RADIATOR) $timeleft is whacked

Steve Brown steve at neteze.com
Mon Mar 25 19:46:47 CST 2002

Okay, so I decided to try AuthBy Platypus and just go with the flow. Any
user without blocktime=N authenticates just fine. But a user with
blocktime=Y always comes back as no time left.

So, I decided to do some testing. When I start ISQL I run a query by

SQL> select password, active, timeleft, blockuser, guarantor from
customer where username='steve_b' 
query = select password, active, timeleft, blockuser, guarantor from
customer where username='steve_b' 
|                                                 |  |  |  |  |
| XXXXXXX                                      | Y| 3600| Y| 0|
1 rows affected

This looks great. My Blockuser is Y and not G, and I have 3600 minutes

Next item was a change to Radius/AuthPLATYPUS.pm logging:

            # Apply blockuser time
                       "User $name has no time left -- $timeleft");
            return undef;

I added the "-- $timeleft" to the logging. When I actually test radius
and dial in it logs nothing. Well, actually it logs

'User steve_b has no time left -- '

with no output past the --

Any ideas? I should add that I am running ISQL from the same box running
radiator, using the exact same ODBC drivers.


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