(RADIATOR) Outgoing traffic IP on multi-homed host

Chris M chrism at peakpeak.com
Mon Mar 18 20:14:13 CST 2002

At 09:01 PM 3/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Hugh Irvine wrote:
> > > Does anyone know of a way to get Radiator to respond back on the IP
> > > something came in on on a multihomed host, without apparently running a
> > > separate copy of radiator bound to each IP address? Or am I just 
> stupid and
> > > missing something simple? =)
> > >
> > > This is with Radiator 2.19 on RH Linux 7.2.
> > >
> >
> > You are correct when you say the only way to do this is by running separate
> > instances of Radiator on different IP addresses (and possibly different 
> port
> > numbers as well).
> >
> > The source IP address used for the reply packet is usually determined 
> by the
> > operating system, rather than Radiator.
>I don't know how the radius protocol might be affected by this, but there
>are tricks you can utilize on a Linux system with multiple IPs to cause
>outgoing packets to have the source address of your choice.
>Suppose you have a system with eth0 and a number of IP aliases
>on eth0:XX, and a default gw of  i.e.
>ifconfig eth0 ...
>ifconfig eth0:0 ...
>ifconfig eth0:1 ...
>route add default gw
>If you want to talk to as and talk to as
>, do the following:
>route add -host gw dev eth0:0
>route add -host gw dev eth0:1
>Packets leaving the system will use the source address of the interface
>(or alias interface) you specify in the dev portion of the route.
>  Jon Lewis *jlewis at lewis.org*

Those are cool tricks.

One thing you can do on the other end (with many NASes like the Ciscos) is 
use an alias command in the radius config, so the NAS will accept packets 
from multiple IPs.


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